Excerpt of the film Speculative Speeches (Workers of the World – Relax), 2012
Frankfurt (05 December 2010), Poster, 210x140cm
Installation view Kunstverein Nürnberg – Albrecht Dürer Gesellschaft
Photo: Annette Kradisch
Speculative Speeches (Workers of the World – Relax)
HDV, Colour/Sound
Speculative Speeches (Workers of the World – Relax) is a film based on dialogues pronounced by the artist as voice training exercises. During the film, Diego Tonus uses his voice to exploit different tonalities, rhythms, timbres and modalities, investigating the potential of the voice in order to understand how it can affect and influence an audience in contexts such as presentations, lessons, public speeches or conferences etc. The work features studio recordings during which Tonus trained his voice through error, repetition and correction, using this structure as a tool to reveal and dissect a situation of speculation that he personally experienced.
Speculative Speeches (Workers of the World – Relax) is a film based on actual phone calls recorded by the artist over the course of 2011.