Exhibition view of the archival displays in Centrale Fies, Dro (Trento) for Performance Act Award III, 2015
Photo Gianluca Panareo for Centrale Fies
Exhibition view of the archival displays in Centrale Fies, Dro (Trento) for Performance Act Award III, 2015
Photo Gianluca Panareo for Centrale Fies
Exhibition view in Centrale Fies, Dro (Trento) for Performance Act Award III, 2015
Photo Gianluca Panareo for Centrale Fies
Exhibition view in Centrale Fies, Dro (Trento) for Performance Act Award III, 2015
Photo Gianluca Panareo for Centrale Fies
Exhibition view in Centrale Fies, Dro (Trento) for Performance Act Award III, 2015
Photo Gianluca Panareo for Centrale Fies
Photo documentation of the performance in Centrale Fies, Dro (Trento)
Performance Act Award III, 2015
Photo Chiara Trevisin and Alessandro Sala for Centrale Fies
Photo documentation shooted by reporters hired to search for the look-alikes in the crowd of the Performance Act Award III, without knowing the actual performers. Their act of scrutinizing the crowd to search for the agents of We are the Others, becomes part of the performance itself.
Photo documentation of the performance in Centrale Fies, Dro (Trento)
Performance Act Award III, 2015
Photo Chiara Trevisin and Alessandro Sala for Centrale Fies
Photo documentation of the performance in Centrale Fies, Dro (Trento)
Performance Act Award III, 2015
Photo Chiara Trevisin and Alessandro Sala for Centrale Fies
Photo documentation of the performance in Centrale Fies, Dro (Trento)
Performance Act Award III, 2015
Photo Chiara Trevisin and Alessandro Sala for Centrale Fies
Photo documentation of the performance in Centrale Fies, Dro (Trento)
Performance Act Award III, 2015
Photo Chiara Trevisin and Alessandro Sala for Centrale Fies
We are the Others
2015 on-going
Chapter #1_Charlie Hebdo
Courtesy FIES Collection and the Artist
Every time I travel I recognize lookalikes of people I know or I’ve previously seen. I like the fact that we are also lookalikes of someone else and just by walking throughout a city we bring with us ideals we weren’t aware of. We are The Others is a performance that consists of the anonymous presence of a group of lookalikes of a specific person or a series of people, seeded within the audience of a selected event. For the first chapter of this series of performances, the lookalikes of all the agents linked to the recent event of Charlie Hebdo have been selected. The performance – which took place in the context of the ‘Performance Act Award (Trento)’ – was created on the basis of the suggestions of some archival displays featuring materials used during the recruitment of the lookalikes (ads in local and national newspapers, radio news scripts, leaflets, flyers posted in public spaces, public calls on websites and networks, etc.). The performance shifted from the archival materials to the audience’s gaze, and led to the act of scrutinizing the crowd, questioning the idea of spotting the other within a group. The work addresses the very moment of the encounter, by selecting a series of critical subjects through which personal story could be interrogated the projection of the idea of the ‘other’ into someone else nowadays, questioning the viewer’s gaze.