Mousse Publishing, 2020
Roma Publications #373, Amsterdam 2019
The Newspaper by Roma Publications, Amsterdam 2019
Roma Publications #330, Amsterdam 2018 Lorenzo Benedetti (curated by)
MER.Paper Kunsthalle, Ghent 2015 Cornelia Lauf (curated by)
Archive Books, Berlin 2014 VV.AA.
Selected Press

FOCUS ON > Charles Esche (text by), Never Again, Again, from the publication Never Again by Diego Tonus and Elisa Caldana, Mousse Magazine, 2023 LINK

Andrea Masala, Border Art and Kinocene, Arabeschi 2023  LINK

Federico Abate, Diego Tonus. From State To State. CSAC Parma, ATPDiary, 2023  LINK

Matilde Alghisi, Dal viaggio all’archivio e ritorno, Artslife, 2023 LINK

Andrea Masala, Archiving Movement From State To State: a political portrait by Diego Tonus, JULIET Magazine, 2023 LINK

Lorenzo Balbi in conversation with Diego Tonus, Fragments of a Conversation with a Counterfeiter, Mousse Magazine, 2022 LINK

Vv.Aa, Gino Gianuizzi (curated by), NO NEON NO CRY, Edizioni MAMbo Bologna, 2022

Rianne Zijderveld, What I wanted to say to you, Unformed/Informed Publishing, Rotterdam 2022 LINK

Andrea Masala, Linguaggi Grafici, Mappe – Alternative Uses, Subversions and Seremantizations of Maps in Border Art, Publica, December 2021 PDF

Vv.Aa, BLAST: estetiche della violenza tra immagine, video e documento, SIZ 2021

Gareth Evans in discussion with Elisa Caldana and Diego Tonus around the cycle Topography of Terror, Whitechapel Gallery London, October 2020 LINK

Exibart – Rubrica Pezzo da Museo, Diego Tonus e Anonimo. A Moment of Darkness, Museo MAMbo, May 2020

Dobrila Denegri and Biljana Tomić (curated by), REAL PRESENCE, nKA/Ica, Belgrade 2019  PDF

Annemie Van Laethem and Erik Croux (curated by), Come Closer, Kasteel Oud Rekem – Art Project, 2019

Jessica Bianchera (written by), Artist’s Proofs, Spazio Cordis Publications, Verona 2019 (IT)  PDF

Emanuela Zanon (written by), Artist’s Proofs, Juliet Magazine, August 2019

Edward Fennell (written by), Bang out of Order!, Law Diary in The Times, London September 13, 2018  –  PDF

Paul Magrath (written by), Hammering Home the Point about Gavels, Law Society Gazette, London, October 2018

Marilena Pirrelli, Italian Council, Il Sole24Ore, July 2018 

Lucrezia Calabrò Visconti (curated by), Abracadabra – The 6th Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, Moscow Biennale Foundation, 2018

Alison Shea (curated by), Fragments of a Conversation with a Counterfeiter, MosaiekMagazine, June 2018

Lorenzo Balbi (curated by), That’s IT. On the newest generation of artists in Italy and one meter eighty from the border, MAMbo Editions, 2018

ATP Diary, Reading room #1 – Diego Tonus, 2018

Giulia Bortoluzzi, Topography of Terror (19.12.2016), JULIET n.187, April-May 2018, p.74  –  PDF

Guus van Engelshoven, Van Eyck Open Studios 2018, Metropolis M, 2018 

Barbara Casavecchia, A Year Full of Shadows. From Anthropocenic doom in Cecilia Alemani’s Italian Pavilion in Venice to Alvin Lucier’s I Am Sitting in a Room at d14, Frieze, Dec 2017

Elisa Caldana and Diego Tonus, Topography of Terror (19.12.2016), FLASH ART ITALIA N.336, December 2017- January 2018, p.40-47  –  PDF

Elisa Caldana and Diego Tonus, Topography of Terror (19.12.2016), Hessische Kultur Stiftung Maecenas, Wiesbaden, Summer 2017

James Parker, Gavel, Oxford University Press, 2018 PDF

Jessie Hohmann and Daniel Joyce (edited by), Objects of International Law, Oxford University Press, UK 2017

Simon Deakin, See How the Land Lays, WEST, The Hague, 2017

AA.VV., Kamarado – Clark House and SMBA, Archive Books, Berlin, 2016

Maria Rosa Sossai (curated by), Art as Educational Act, Le Torri del Vento Edizioni, Roma, 2016

AA.VV., GAGARIN Magazine, GAGA vzw for S.M.A.K. Ghent, Issue #31 pp.72-83, Antwerp, December 2015  –  PDF

AA.VV., Atopolis, _(SIC), WIELS, Brussels, 2015  –  PDF

Hans den Hartog Jager, When I Give, I Give Myself, Van Gogh Museum, Wilco Art Books, 2015   –  PDF

Giulia Morucchio (curated by), Diego Tonus. Five Cases of Intrusion, ATP Diary, 2015

Birutė Pankūnaitė (written by), Apie renginių seriją „Burnelė“ Šiuolaikinio meno centre, CAC Vilnius, January 2014

AA.VV., Kunstlicht n.3 – Artefacts, Kunstlicht Volume 34, no.3 pp. 30-31, Amsterdam, 2013

DOMUS (curated by), Add Fire: Premio Furla 2013, DOMUS, February 2013

AA.VV., Le magazine du Palais de Tokyo – Nouvelles Vagues, Palais de Tokyo SAS, pp. 24-29, Paris, Summer 2013  –  PDF

AA.VV., Add Fire – Furla Award 2013, Mousse Publishing, Milan, 2013  –  PDF

Simone Neuenschwander, Christiane Rekade (curated by), HOTAVANGARDEHOTHOT, ANDPublic, Basel, 2013  –  PDF

Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo (curated by), The 338 Hour Cineclub, FSRR, Turin (IT)

Barbara Casavecchia (written by), Fuoriclasse, Frieze Magazine, Issue 152, January-February 2013

Luca Cerizza (curated by), Fuoriclasse, Kaleidoscope Press, Milan, 2012  –  PDF

Domeniek Ruyters (written by), Three artists walk into a bar … Interview with The Black Swan, METROPOLIS M, May 2012

Travis Diehl (written by), Los Angeles ‘Out-of- _______’, ARTFORUM, February 2012

ABITARE (written by), Effetto Venturi – Peep Hole and Oberdan Theatre, ABITARE, Milan, May 2011

CRAC Cremona, Supermegadrops 6, 2011  PDF

Elio Grazioli (curated by), WARBURGHIANA – Arte sui tavoli, 2009

Francesco Garutti, Paola Nicolin (curated by), Milano Utopie, Mousse Magazine, Milan, 2009  –  PDF

Angela Vettese, Cornelia Lauf (curated by), IUAV al MAXXI, p. 80, Charta Editore, Milan, 2008

Milovan Farronato (curated by), Spritz time! Artisti degli atelier della Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Mousse Magazine, Milan, 2007  –  PDF

RAM – Radio Arte Mobile (curated by), ‘Talk with me – in occasion of the 52 ° Biennale di Venezia’, p.5, n. 1, Rome, 2007  –  PDF

Nicola Setari (curated by), “The two obstructions”, review in Janus, n. 20, June 2006 (pp. 81, 87), Milan, 2006

Renè Gabri, Cesare Pietroiusti (curated by), The two obstructions, Marsilio Editore, Venice, 2006